Argentine tango is a dance of connection and passion. It is a challenging dance because it does not have a basic series of steps to fall back on. Tango's base is just walking. Because of this it requires great technique from both leads and follows. Argentine tango often catches people's imagination and hearts. It takes practice. It is a study. It is a challenge. And it's totally worth it!
Series Classes
Series classes are weekly classes for 1 month. You will learn the dance skills necessary for social dancing. The progression of our dance series classes elevates dancers' skill and knowledge of each dance form while focusing on social dancing.
Tango 101 - Connection & Musicality
Requirements: None & No Partner
Program: This is an introduction to Argentine Tango. In this series, we will connect and move together, have fun and learn to dance to the music. We will drill, practice a lot, laugh, walk and build a great community. This is a great class for absolute beginners, or for people with experience who want to refine their connection, posture, and walk. We will spend most of the class in close embrace with no arms. This class is meant to be taken as a progression of Tango 102 (February, May, August, & November) and Tango 103 (March, June, September, & December).
Schedule: January, April, July & October
Tango 102 - Rhythm & Choreography
Requirements: Tango101 or similar, Students must be comfortable dancing in close embrace and with rudiments of tango musicality.
Program: This series continues our exploration of Argentine Tango. We will build on the foundations of good posture and great lead-follow technique laid down in 101. We will explore moving in double and half time and use those timing signatures to punctuate our musical dancing. We will continue to practice good lead and follow technique and we will learn basic patterns like the rock turn to the left that will begin to make us dynamic dancers. This class is meant to be taken as a progression of Tango 101 (January, April, July & October) and Tango 103 (March, June, September, & December).
Schedule: February, May, August, & November
Tango 103 - Cross System
Requirements: 101 & 102 or similar. Dance shoes or suede-soled shoes are a huge plus.
Program: In this series, we continue to acquire and practice good lead/follow technique, smooth walking, and great musicality. We will introduce cross-system and start to talk about disassociation, turning, angles and all that fun stuff. We will drill and laugh and practice twisting and learn how to move and listen to our partners through turns. This class is meant to be taken as the final progression of Tango 101 (January, April, July & October) and Tango 102 (February, May, August, & November).
Schedule: March, June, September, & December
Tango 2 - Intermediate Theory
Requirements: Tango1-Mastering Basics or Equivalent
Program: This intermediate theory series requires a basic proficiency with the tango technique. Become comfortable and practice creativity on the social dance floor. Gain enough proficiency to feel relaxed dancing and add fun to your technique. Expect community building, structured drills, work on posture and great dance frame, relaxation, and presence. We will demand creative musicality, good posture, practice with disassociation and contra body, and close embrace dancing. More than anything, we will strive to give and find joy in dancing. This series will rotate through several curriculums and is meant to be taken multiple times.
Want to try Tango dancing for the first time! Come to one of our Drop-in classes every Friday. Gwen teaches the Back-to-Basics Class open to all skill levels. Please check the schedule for the most current schedule. Experience dancing at SCT for only $10, you can pay at the door or sign up online.
SCT opens its doors on Tuesday from 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Come practice your skills with SCT Tango members, $5 for the public and included in team membership. Please pay at the door.